The Philadelphia
Public Ledger
February 17, 1931
Honored With Helen Keller & the Rev. C. W. Shreiner on Founder's Day
(Left photo) Charles E. Beury, president of Temple University,
is shown on the right conferring degree of doctor of laws upon
Governor Pinchot shown on the left at Founder's Day exercises
at The Temple, Broad and Berks Streets, yesterday.
(Right photo) Miss Helen Keller, blind authoress and lecturer
Notables Honored by Temple
Temple University observed Founder's Day by conferring honorary degrees upon Governor Pinchot, Helen Keller, blind author and lecturer, and the Rev. Charles W. Shreiner, before an audience of 3500 students and guests in the Baptist Temple, at Broad and Berks Streets, yesterday.
Governor Pinchot, who was presented for the degree of doctor of laws by Mayor Mackey, was called "a disciple of the plain people," and at that the audience arose and applauded.
"Governor Pinchot has never been actuated by sordid or selfish motives," said the Mayor. "He is an apostle of conservatism who accepts a temporary setback only as a challenge to future activity."
The Governor, following conferring of the degree by Dr. Charles E. Beury, president of the university, addressed his remarks to the student body, after a long tribute to Miss Keller.
"A university should teach not only the rudiments of education," he said, "but it should set standards whereby young men and women may learn to recognize a good man when they see one."
Miss Keller, whose remarks were repeated to the audience by Mrs. Anne Sullivan Macy, her life-long friend, also received a tremendous ovation when she was presented for the degree of doctor of humane letters by Dr. A. Edward Newton, noted bibliophile.
Dr. Shreiner, founder and headmaster of the Episcopal Church Farm School at Glen Loch, received the degree of doctor of divinity.
The ceremony marked the observance of the 88th birthday anniversary of the Rev. Dr. Russell H. Conwell and the institution's midyear commencement, at which 200 students were graduated.
Dr. Beury outlined the work of the university in the years since the death of its noted founder and stressed the fact that the influence of Dr. Conwell has inspired others to carry on the task he started. He called attention particularly to the great improvements which have been carried on and the extensive building program which, with a constantly increasing faculty, has taken Temple to the front in institutions of learning.
Among the guests at the ceremony was Judge Raymond MacNeille, whose son Raymond MacNeille, Jr. was one of the graduates.
From the official archives of the Philadelphia Press Association
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